Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Mid life crisis. You can have a mistress or a car and you'd better pick a car.

These are the words told to Mat Bitch aka MB ( a speedskating term) by his wife.
So MB comes out to the race in this piece of exotica. A Lotus Elise. It weighs under a ton and corners like a slot car. The funny part is the owners manual. Which on every page says. "There is no safe seating for a child under five in this car." You basically sit in it's aluminum tub frame.
Lots of things to bang your little five year old noggin on. Trust me it was hard enough to fold my six foot frame up to sit in it. Very cool ,enjoy the crisis.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look good behind the wheel of that machine... only the vanity license plate and a bumper sticker ("My Other Car is a Jetta") are missing