Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Chicago, The final report.
We headed south out of Chicago to Clarion Pa. to visit my sister. The highlight of the trip down was seeing about thirty Hells Angels at the toll booth. I was all set to take a picture and a tanker pulled up and blocked our view.Oh well. Sometimes they get a little grumpy about having their picture taken. Such is the life of scooter trash.
It was good to see hills again as we rolled in to Pa. The two cats are my sisters'. The double pic ( I goofed again) is Hanes he gets his name because he was born in an underwear drawer. He's a little food thief. But a fun cat. There other is Bodo. He had the wild eyed look the whole time we were there. He warmed up to us,but always had eyes wide open look.
We enjoyed an excellent white pizza and a couple beers with my sister. No Iron City for me. Breakfast at the local diner. This diner was like most in America where there will be a group that meets everyday and solves the world's problems. I call them the town council. We sat next to them. I tried a local delicacy called Mush it was basically fried polenta. Tasty with my omelet. While Bob and my sister toured Clarion in her Miata (Bob has a hankering for a convertible). I was left to get sis's motorcycle going for her. A dead battery stopped that project. Hope she has a new one and is riding. It's a nice little bike. Perfect for her. She wanted a pic with her bro and his hardware,so here it is. The rest of the drive home was that usual you wish you were home and not driving.

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