Saturday, June 09, 2007

So they're here. In spite of the last two weeks much ballyhooed event. The Grahamfest.(Billy Grahams son was having a revival at BU) It doesn't seem to have drawn the numbers they expected. They had the overhead road signs up with where to go etc. Extra police for traffic control. We headed to the Parkway for an Ale House night. No problemo.

Now for Gay Pride. They're having a bash downtown and have extended open arms to all. The "Grahamers" responded with the "We hate the sin,but love the sinner" schtick. The paper tried to stir it all up. We'll see.

Back to the Ale House. Good beer. Depsite Bob's mentoring I repeated some over the beers on the round the world tour card. Good beer deserves a repeat.

Then happy group hit McGirks for a rousing Dirt Farm night. These guys had a field day with the Grahamfest. Even changing up the words to "Up against the Walk Redneck Mother".

It was old home night there. I knew lots of people. Had a great time.

Tomorrow I debut the new road kit in my first roadrace. More importantly Venus is having a picnic. Which, Thank you Carl, means more food.

Speaking of food. It's off to the Pig for breakfast.

The car is a 1953 Oldsmobile Rocket 88 Deluxe Hardtop Edition. The Dirt Farm sings about these bad boys. Bobber always takes great pics,But the planets were askew last night sooo.
Tish said there had to be a picture of me. Isn't that a great t-shirt design? Take it as you will.

Enjoy life. OGQ

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