Sunday, May 06, 2007

The weekend started clear and cool. We hit Danny's Diner for breakfast. Everyone had the red pepper,swiss cheese and ham omelette. Yummy.

Henk and I headed out to Pa for some hills and different roads. The sun warmed our faces and smiles crept across them too. The wind picked up hard on 26. We rode solid and steady fighting the wind. But grinning like fools. Not knowing the whole route we came over Hogan. 56 miles total. Perfect. Legs were done.
Today I did a nice ride with Bobber,Venus and Pops. We tooled up Rt 11 and ventured into Killawog. We wondered what a Wog is? That mystery is still unsolved.
Enjoy life. ONQ

Time to ready for the Cinco de Mayo/Bad shirt party. It was BYOB and potluck. The crew of Venus, Mills, Cliff, Pops and Woofie, Bobber and Tish and myself. Venus whirred the blender and margeritas flowed. Nachos,burritos,beans and enchildas came out of the oven. Cliff brought some fine Belgian ales that were also popped. Faces filled. MMMMM. Then the Palmers showed up with dessert. Perfect.

Maybe there should be a vote on the bad shirts? What do you think?

1 comment:

Your Friendly Neighborhood HR Dude said...

although yours is bad, the golf shirt is worst.