Sunday, May 27, 2007

Friday night looked to be Dirt Farm on the deck at the Pit Box. Rain threatened,but I broke out the fixed and rode over. As usual the deck crowd was well into being hammered by 5:30. So the guy looking at me over the rail must have seen 2 or 3 of me. " HEEEEY you rode your bike here". Yes, "Come on up!" In a bit I have friends coming. "Are they riding bikes too? "No. The magnet for the weird was on in full force. Only one problem. Dirt Farm wasn't playing. OOPs next week. So adults made decisions and we hit Caseys for some food and libations. This truck was parked there and I take shit for how the Jetta looks. HA!

After Caseys we decided to go see the Badweather Blues band at McGirks. I run into a former student in the parking lot. He says "Come on I'll buy you a beer". Twist my arm. Turns out he's waiting to the Twins. More former students. So we get a table and the these two woman come in all smiles and waving at our table.

I figure the guys know them. NOPE. The one in orange is a big flirt. The one that looks like a drag queen is a bit. Then their friend. Tinkerbelle shows up. Now I know the magnet is cranked and running at max. Tinkerbelle is dressed all in pink. Pink phone,umbrella,the whole kit. This woman is scary skinny and scary tanned. Not sure if it was sprayed or baked on.

So the boys are good natured and have some fun. But Scary Spice was looking for more.(She didn't want her pic taken) Jesse asked her if she had any tan lines? She begins to flash us and her friend stops her. Gross, we're laughing like mad and the one girl,gets mad. Don't be judging her. HUH? You come over to our table and sit in strangers laps......... We decided it was time to leave. Escaped from that bad movie unharmed.

Enjoy life OGQ


Anonymous said...

Hi Karl- we were in Binghamton last weekend for the youngest's (Alison's) graduation. Except for our friendship with you, we're done with the place. It's been a good place for both Meg and Ali, and we've enjoyed seeing you again as time has allowed. In a final parting gift, some kids broke the side window of the rental van and got away with about 100 cd's, digital and 35 mm camera, noise canceling headphones (highly recommended- Sennheiser pxc250) and some other stuff. They then stashed it behind a garage to await darkness. Unluckily for them, a neighbor found it and call ed the Binghamton Police, who managed to convert this to "we recovered" the stolen goods. I'll visit your blog occasionally, and you're always welcome in Rochester.

Your Friendly Neighborhood HR Dude said...

The magnet for the weird was on in full force

great line.
