Wednesday, April 04, 2007

That's a title of an album. A racer always wonders at the first race. Where's my fitness? Who's new? Who's strong? Pride had me in the A group. I positioned myself mid pack. The goal was hang in there and finish. The usual first lap attack went. I sure wasn't going to chase. RUUD had half the field. Two up the road. They were brought back and they sent more. Just hang in there on the hill each lap. Someone gunned it and the field split. Bad position on my part. I came around them and rejoined on the downhill. Six to go. I can do this I said to myself. Two off the front now. No real organized chasing,but a steady tempo. Three to go and each time up the hill strings it out. I hang in there. One to go, I'm near the front there is remnants of the B field. Traffic. I figure, "What the hell,Burn the match!" You're known for the lead out and the kilo attack. Do it. I shift up, stand up and go using each lappee to springboard me. I see a familiar wheel on mine AVK. That's cool. I pull hard again it gets him too the 200 meter mark. Adam had him covered and pipped him on the line. I've strung out the field and the sprinters can have their way. This keeps me safe and smiling.
Another hurdle cleared.

We saw the weirdest thing last night. The moon was bhind the hill on the horizon. You could see the glow and the edge just creeping over. Then it just started rising and in about two minutes it was up. It wasn't clouds. Very cool,but very strange.

Look at that not a mention of food anywhere. Hope Carl in Fla is doing well. He's fighting cancer.

What's the "Southern Belle" doing?

Enjoy life. OGQ

1 comment: said...

Who you callin' Southern Belle?

Working A LOT of hours... managing minimum wage hourly workers is the pits! Hired 8 people seven weeks ago and 5 are already gone: 1 fired for stealing food; 1 fired for excessive absenteeism (twice without calling in); 2 left with "problem pregnancies" (after they'd work the required time to qualify for unemployment?); and 1 left because she and her common-law husband were making too much money to qualify for government assistance. Of the original three people left, I suspect one is taking money out of the register (tho I can't yet prove it). Trying to find replacements is tough even when paying above minimum wage because I'm not located out in the suburbs, so the applicants tend to be homeless and/or former felons... ugh!

Why can't I find those "Leave-it-to-Beaver" kids ("Golly, I'll be the best worker EVER for a nickel an hour!")? Oh, that's right - child labor laws... too bad "No Child Left Behind" doesn't have some sort of work component.