Saturday, June 24, 2006

When I die I'm coming back as a housecat to a good home.
So what could be easier? Jump in the basket, no one can see you and all your worries fade away.
There must be many as a housecat. When will I get fed? Where's the sun? How come the "petter" has been gone so long?
Guess I'll have some crunchies, take a snooze, maybe just watch the world go by from my spaceship, transmorgifier,duplicator or maybe it really is just a basket.
I just want to celebrate another day of living.


Anonymous said...

Kona or Loki in the photo?

Anonymous said...

WOW, what an interesting start. Glad I got through this before you get here. Will save a few questions LOL

Am looking forward to meeting you and sending you on to victory and a good time in Chicago.