Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Due to the influence of the "Darkside" aka the Wooden Wheels Team. I'm delving into Bloggerdom. First let me say thanks to all the great people I've meet on the team. Big props to John Thompson and Fatmarc for getting me on the team. Again to Fatmarc for hooking me up with the Henry's Secret team this year.

So how did I arrive at "Cheating the Reaper" for a title? I was going to use causticman because of my twisted perspective on life,then stick it to the man, Thanks to Neil young. Then it dawned on me I'm in the bonus years. How so you ask?

First, all the males in our family have died at age 45. I broke that barrier and a bus didn't get me that day. A gin sodden night on my 45th birthday may have brought visions,but not death.
No gin since then either.

Second, My family has this weird blood condition called FactorV leiden where you can have a blood clot for no reason. So I go and get tested for it. Now let me preface this. I have always been a bleeder like cheap b grade slasher film. Just like my grandmother. So I go get tested. YUP no problems. My sister gets tested,she's double factor V, meaning both Mom and Dad have it. So who gets a clot? Me, a huge ass one in my leg. But now I either bleed or I don't. Weird. I just might be the "Chimerea" Tyler Hamilton talks about. Then I find out my cousin who also tested negative got a clot in his lung and is in ICU. He's doing better now. Thanks.

So first the "Darkside" lures me into the world of single speeds. Well I'm hooked and that lands me a ride for Soul Cycles in Arizona. Now they've lead me into 29'ers. The new rigs from Soul are due in July. So I score Mr Bigg frame on Ebay. this thing is a monster truck. 14 in BB crazy tall. So I build it up. ride it. i get the improved traction, the chatter is gone with the big wheels. but it's a slug getting up to speed. Now our riding here in Gloom county is much different than in lower Pa and Delaware. So I keep trying. I decide to race it at French Creek. I card a win. But still not sold. I race the Hooligan in the next two Mass races. Feel better. Keep the win straek alive. So now being a ex moto head I'm going to try a Carver these bikes make total sense to me. Slick Rick at Henry's has hooked me up and I await its arrival. So I'll give a report when it gets here. I'll post a review when I get it and better understand this blogging.

In future posts you meet the cast of characters I ride with. first we'll have Henk (after Henk Vogels) A strong man on the local TT circuit, Mikey the kid who never trains and still kicks ass.
Pops,Barbie, High Dollar Dan has many personas depend on the day. The Bobber,who has been MIA due to back problems. Better get to work.

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