Thursday, December 09, 2010

So the above drawing is my example of the new lesson for my students.  I called it "transitions".They had to pick two animals and "blend" them into themselves. The animals had to reflect their personality.
So I used a Kestrel and a tiger. Both are predators. Both are patient hunters. Tigers are orange,my favorite color.
I also did a bumblebees and butterflies.

 Bumblebees aren't supposed to be able to fly( I was told there were things I couldn't do when I was young. That made me prove them wrong) I look at butterflies at being incredibly carefree. Flit around play,die. Simple. Maybe other than the short life span. I should be more care free. Or maybe I just want to be Mothra and kick some ass
So where is this going? My life is in transition right now. I went to a dark place for a short time. Serious introspection and came out of it.
Changed? Perhaps.
Decisions will be made. Changes will take place and life will go on.
Christmas is a favorite time of the year for me. People seem more genuine and I love it.
I hope it's a good holiday season.
Enjoy your holidays.


dfwteddy said...

Made any decisions or changes? What led to this introspection? Here's wishing you a very merry Christmas and a great New Year! James

Toyin O. said...

Sounds you had a great time, thanks for sharing. Happy New Year!