Thursday, July 10, 2008

Barber poles represent bloodletting from when that practice was common. Now,safe to say not so common. So I've decided to remain clean shaven for awhile.

This is where the First Adopters and Exclusives part fits from last time. First Adopters are people who stay on the bleeding edge of the latest and greatest. They are willing to endure incredible levels of sacrifice to be the first to own the next New Thing. Be it a phone,TV or gasp, bike parts. Then there are Exclusives,the well heeled fans,who strive to have the Special Thing. Think MV Agusta 4. Being a member of either of these clubs means parting with large sums of money. Me I'm a luddite sometimes and other times . I think somethings are great ideas.

But after the straight razor shave Vince gives me a Gillette Fusion Power razor. OH, OH goes the red light in my head.( We all know how I love traditions.) I've just crossed the line from not three,or four blades in my razor, but jumped right into the world of FIVE blade and it vibrates! Kind of like a sex toy for your face. This little puppy upped the ante. Would I now be a First Adopter? Would it really bring nirvana to my face? After all 3 then 4 were nice effective tools. In the razor wars Gillette rules. Schick sucks. So I slid on some Art of Shaving pre-oil then some shave cream. Hit the switch a mild buzzing in my hand. Razor to face stroke one,rinse,lather repeat. It flat out works. Of course I was relearning how to shave. Verdict. Great product with a buzz. Second blatant plug,buy yourself some Alba Shave cream. My favorite Mango Vanilla.

The other pic is a steak bone from last nights grilling at Cliffs. We did coffee and peppercorn rubbed steaks. So the plate is served up and I'm eyeing the bone,instinct kicking in. I want to gnaw on that bone. Look at that red flesh so close to the bone,untainted. Think cheek meat,facial cheek. I lean over to Mills and say "I haven't had a bone since I was a kid." We laugh. Cliff returns and says "You're welcome to the bone,if either of you would like it?" Again we laugh.

Mills says take it. Now for a small meat eater like me it was a treat. The meat so warm and tender. The tearing away from the bone. Primordal feelings sliding away. Transported back to childhood all guilt of being a First Adopter washed away.

Vince, thanks for the razor. Cliff ,thanks for the bone.

Enjoy life. OGQ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bad pics......all