Wednesday, January 02, 2008

So here I was thinking of what to write for the New Years blog. The obvious,stay away from New Years Resolutions. Easy. None.

I had the Ipod on shuffle, American Pie came on. I have a love/hate with this song. My friend Chris used to play acoustic shows at the bar. He'd always finish with American Pie. A good way to end the night. The bad thing is Chris chose to take his life. So the last thing I remember about him is him playing that song. Not a good way to start.

Bob and Tish had some us in following Tish's treat at the movies. Then Venus got the call that her Mom was in the hospital. Not a good thing. So now she's dealing with that. She's a trooper.

We're here for her.

On a brighter note last year at this time I was toddling around on a walker wearing compression stockings. Venus had organized what then turned into the "Endless Party". Crazy to look at the calendar and see all that stepped forward to speed my recovery. Thanks.

We all went to the O'briens to see the new kitchen and eat more food. There Carl in Fla, The part you've been waiting for. Food and drink. We sure did and had a good time. That's what I like to read and write about.

The Supercross season starts this weekend. Can Bubba do it again? Should be an exciting year.

Enjoy life. OGQ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Busy racing? Its been a while without any news?