Monday, March 03, 2008

Gay is the new Black. No I'm not talking about my new kit for the year. Which will be black.

Time for a bit of politics. So we have John McCain who's flipped parties and is now counting the religious right. ( I assume for the big bucks to continue.) I used to think he had his head on pretty straight, being the POW and all. But, that has been erased. So we have Hillary and Obama.

As much as we'd like to think we're progressive here. I don't think Americans will vote for a black or a woman. I hear people say."I hate Hillary" Really? Why?, "Just because". That explains it. Or, "What kind of name is Obama? Is he a terrorist? ". Those two questions pretty much sum it up. Now how does all this tie in to the title?

Last election the Bushies used gay marriage to derail everything. How come neither party is courting the gay vote. I don't hear the Log Cabin Republicans promoting McCain.

All of the candidates will gladly take our money. pander for awhile to win our votes. Then do nothing to make things equal as a Americans. I think single people should be pissed too. They miss out on a lot of benefits or pay more for them. I'm not big on ranting I've said my piece. Of course I will vote. But I will keep and eye on who would do the most for the new blacks.

I lead a good life. I have all I need, but not all I want. Don't we all?

Now of course the weekend came. Which meant the search for a good fish fry.

With the weekend also came another storm. But the lure of food was strong. So we visited Tish at the hospital. Get home soon! Off we went to the Elks club. A winner. They even had 1.50 Smitticks drafts. Your choice of beer battered , fried fish, or turkey and biscuits. Mashed or fries and fresh veggies. Dessert included. We also hit a bar we've never been to Tranquil, that it was was. Not quite Nyquil, but you were able to talk and not yell .

The poker chips came out Saturday. Bobber busted out the last games prize because it was March. Just like the month he marched right through for another win. I started strong but faded. The last lap push didn't happen. We all had a turn in the hat. But it's magic just could not be transferred. A Long Trail Ale shirt was the prize tonight.
We had pizza from a new place and it was tasty. Beers , Rodenbach Red sour ale( not a winner), Sierrra Xmas Ale, Brooklyn Chocolate Stout, Ithaca smoke porter, Leinkugels wheat. Maudite,(a favorite) maybe one or two more. No all these were shared, not drunk by me.

My Mom thinks everyone on the net is a serial killer or evildoer. So here's my serial killer pic.

Enjoy life. OGQ

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